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Cheapflights Rewards - What's in this guide?

About Cheapflights Rewards

If you're ready to take to the skies, you've got plenty of choices in airline booking search engines, but not all of them are created equal. While comparing flight prices is very important, it's only a small piece of the puzzle in nailing the planning of your entire vaction. Cheapflights is part of the Kayak family of brands and provides tools for booking airfare, hotels, car rentals, and several other of your vacay-related needs. Cheapflights has been operating worldwide since 1996 before opening a company in the United States 7 years later in 2003. One feature customers love is their "deal of the day" section of the Cheapflights website, which can help you snag a quick deal on anything from hotels to airport transfer. So if you're in the market to book a vacation, check out Cheapflights. You just might score a nice deal. 

Earn loyalty points and rewards, and get Special Member Benefits at Cheapflights on SoLoyal.

Cheapflights Member Discount

Cheapflights is supported by SoLoyal. That means that if there is a discount available here, you'll get it as a member of SoLoyal.

Cheapflights Account

SoLoyal allows you to track and manage your loyalty rewards and benefits everywhere. That means for Cheapflights or any Travel brand's loyalty program, you don't have to download the Cheapflights app or go to their website in order to view and redeem your member rewards.

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You can login to your Cheapflights account with SoLoyal. SoLoyal finds points, rewards, and members-only discounts at all your favorite brands, including Cheapflights.

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Become a Member at Cheapflights

Cheapflights Loyalty Members

With SoLoyal you can automatically track your Cheapflights account, including any available Cheapflights rewards. Since Cheapflights does not have an official loyalty program, SoLoyal will watch for any upcoming members-only benefits and offers and get them for you.

SoLoyal works by enabling you to track all your loyalty points and member rewards at any brand that has a loyalty program. If applicable, you can check your Cheapflights rewards balance, rewards or points expiration, current account status and what is needed to reach your next reward as a member of the Cheapflights loyalty program.

As a member of SoLoyal, you won’t have to keep checking back for new rewards as SoLoyal will continually search for membership benefits for you automatically. In addition, as soon as you join SoLoyal, you’ll get any members-only discounts or offers that are available to you. You don’t have to remember to ask Cheapflights for a discount or apply to be a member.

Your Cheapflights member rewards and other Travel rewards are subject to the brand’s specific terms and may not be offered at all times. SoLoyal will always provide up to date info on which discounts are available at Cheapflights.

Simply visit Cheapflights on SoLoyal to get started. 

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